Semi-Private Tutoring Sessions

Pass Your Social Work License Exam with Ease!
Struggling to pass your social work license exam?Join The One Test Prep for expert-led semi-private online tutoring sessions and turn your stress into success! 


  • Live Online

    Every Saturday @ 10am EST
  • 2 Hours

  • Recordings

    Access to recordings for review or incase you missed it.
  • Exclusive

    Private access to DEEP discounts on our prep courses

Why sign up today?

📅 Weekly Zoom Sessions: Connect with fellow exam takers in our interactive 2-hour sessions led by a licensed social worker with a proven track record.

🎥 Never Miss a Beat: Access session recordings anytime for a quick review or catch-up.

💰 Affordable & Accessible: Just $10 a week, with your first week free!

🚀 Learn from the Best: Benefit from the expertise of professionals and achieve the highest pass rates in the U.S.

👥 Join the Community: Collaborate, learn, and grow with peers who are on the same journey.
Write your awesome label here.

Your Semi-Private Tutoring Leaders

Lynne Collier, LCSW
Stone Mountain, GA
Lynne has her bachelor’s degree in Social Work from the University of Georgia and a master’s degree in Social Work from Florida State University.
Tracy Matthews, LCSW
Owings Mills, MD
Tracy completed her undergrad studies at Delaware State University and her masters at Morgan State University. She joined us after beginning as a client tutored by Linda Franco, LCSW, and we are proud to have her on Our T.E.A.M.
Don't hesitate

Are you a social worker that is preparing for your license exams (Bachelors, Masters, or Clinical)?